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Product: Hyperspace Desktop

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Product: Hyperspace Desktop

Configuring Hyperspace

Product: Hyperspace Desktop

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Product: Hyperspace Desktop

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Product: Hyperspace Desktop

Developing Hyperspace locally

Product: Hyperspace Desktop

Developing Hyperspace locally

Run Hyperspace locally to build and test changes live.

Applies to: Hyperspace Desktop

Hyperspace is a React-based product built with Create React App and allows for hot-reloading. Developing new features on Hyperspace is relatively easy to perform.


  • Git
  • Node.js 10 or higher

Setting up the environment

First, you’ll need to download the Hyperspace source code, either by downloading the source code package from our site or cloning the Git repository:

git clone

Once the repository has been cloned, you’ll want to install any Node dependencies and make sure Hyperspace will compile properly:

npm install
npm start # or npm test

Starting a local server

To start a local server instance of Hyperspace, run the following command in the project directory:

npm start

This will start the server and let you make changes and see them live.

Note: In Hyperspace v1.1.0-beta3 and older, you’ll need to modify the location field in your config.json to use https://localhost:3000 as the address.