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Product: Hyperspace Desktop

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Product: Hyperspace Desktop

Configuring Hyperspace

Product: Hyperspace Desktop

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Product: Hyperspace Desktop

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Product: Hyperspace Desktop

Configuring Hyperspace

Customize Hyperspace on an administrative level with config.json.

Applies to: Hyperspace Desktop

Newer versions of Hyperspace, starting from 1.0, come with a config.json file in the build folder to configure various parts of Hyperspace without digging into the source code. This config file includes branding, licenses, federation support, and a few other configurations.

Important: As of Hyperspace 1.0.0beta4, all Boolean keys are no longer wrapped as strings; your config file must have all Boolean values as they are.

Change Hyperspace’s branding

The branding background, logo, and name is controlled under the branding key:

 "branding": {
    "name": "Hyperspace",
    "logo": "logo.svg",
    "background": "background.png"

This key is not particularly required for Hyperspace, though it is generally recommended to keep this key in the file. This key has three subkeys:

Subkey Default value Description
name “Hyperspace” The name of the app or of the brand. Affects the app name in the title bar, About page, and other parts what use Hyperspace as the name.
logo “logo.svg” The location, (relative to the build files), of the logo used on the login screen.
background “background.png” The location, (relative to the build files), of the background used on the login screen.

Manage instance information

There are some extra keys for handling actions such as federation, registrations, and instance administrators. There are a few keys in the config file to handle this:

Key Default value Description
federated n/a Whether the instance of Mastodon is federated or not. This is used to disable access to public fediverse features in Hyperspace for local instances.
registration n/a Information regarding registration of the instance. See below for more information
admin n/a The administrator that installed Hyperspace.

Note: As of Hyperspace 1.0.0beta4+, the federated key now expands to more configuration settings.

Registration information

Subkey Default value Description
defaultInstance “” The domain name associated with the Mastodon instance that Hyperspace will connect to by default. This is used to handle well-known logins and direct users to the correct registration page.

Important: As of Hyperspace 1.0.0beta7, this key will automatically reset to “” if it is set to a disallowed domain.

Admin information

Subkey Default value Description
name n/a The name of the administrator. This can be a display name or real name.
account n/a The account ID number on the Mastodon network defined in defaultInstance.

Federation information

Subkey Default value Description
universalLogin true Whether anyone from any Mastodon instance can login to the app
allowPublicPosts true Whether users can post publicly on the app
enablePublicTimeline true Whether users can view the public timeline


"federated": {
    "universalLogin": true,
    "allowPublicPosts": true,
    "enablePublicTimeline": true
"registration": {
    "defaultInstance": ""
"admin": {
    "name": "Eugen",
    "account": "1"

Configure app information

There are other fields responsible for handling app information such as version, developer mode, licensing, and source code.

Key Default value Description
developer false Whether the app should be run in developer mode or not. This helps distinguish between a stable release and a beta release for users.
version Hyperspace version as a string Required: The version of the application.
license n/a Required: The license information for the app, if it falls under a different license than what Hyperspace includes.
repository (Repo URL) The URL to the repository containing the source code if it is open-source.
location “dynamic” Required: The URL that points to your Hyperspace installation, or ‘dynamic’ if it should be inferred from window.location. When building the desktop application, this is set to ‘desktop’.

Note: Older versions of Hyperspace Desktop up to v1.1.0-beta3 do not support setting location to a subdirectory (ex.: Newer versions of Hyperspace Desktop starting with v1.1.0-beta4 support subdirectory installations.

License information

Subkey Default value Description
name “Non-violent Public License” The name of the license the app is under.
url “” The URL to the license online.


    "version": "1.0.0beta5",
    "developer": true,
    "license": {
        "name": "Non-violent Public License",
        "url": ""
    "repository": "",
    "location": "dynamic",

An example of config.json

    "version": "1.0.0beta1",
    "location": "dynamic",
    "branding": {
        "name": "Hyperspace",
        "logo": "logo.svg",
        "background": "background.png"
    "developer": true,
    "federated": {
        "universalLogin": true,
        "allowPublicPosts": true,
        "enablePublicTimeline": true
    "registration": {
        "defaultInstance": ""
    "admin": {
        "name": "Eugen",
        "account": "1"
    "license": {
        "name": "Non-violent Public License",
        "url": ""
    "repository": ""